Courtney Torres
Mar 23, 2021


You’ll see.

There are people waiting to delight in life’s likeness with people like you. Be good to yourself so that when they arrive you can delight right back. Be good to yourself so that you may in spite of inevitable aging, fine lines and wrinkles, changes in your digestion, spiritual aches and pains, mental trips and trumbles, continue to seek and see these small specs of delight. That you stitch your life back up with them. It’s the 4 year old walking into bubbles, it’s the river mountains, it’s the new pair of shoes, it’s the trans woman in passing saying, “I love my ass!” It’s the things that tangle you in questions, that make you break out brick and crayon and keep pitching your illustrations of a good fight. You are still here. You are still doing the damn thing.

